We Love Juz Amma Journal!
Asalamu alaykum! Date: 13th January 2022
Dear Year 1 and 2 students,
Not so long ago, we started learning the Juz Amma Journal. You will love it once you start very soon, Insha Allah.
Have you ever wondered how the Juz Amma Journal helps you improve your relationship with the Quran?
Studying the journal has helped Year 3 students to:
- understand short Surahs of the Quran that have been memorised
- form a deeper connection with Allah
-improve their knowledge of Arabic and apply it in their life.
It also helps parents/teachers track a student’s progress on a Surah, recitation or understanding of the Quran. It also helps track their progress Aayah by Aayah.
Teachers also check if students have made progress with challenges, and quizzes to earn prizes, and points. At the end, students must write what they learn about a Surah. Lastly, we draw a picture or piece of art which symbolises something in the Surah. Students have fun by drawing and learning at the same time.
Check out our classmates amazing pieces of art inspired by the Quran.
By The Boys’ Student Council Team