Learn, Love and Live the Quran.

We aim to plant the seeds of Love for Allah in our students by following three simple steps.

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Step 1: To Learn

We instil a Love for Learning by providing a positive and safe learning environment, where learners and teachers are supported, welcomed and respected.

The very foundation of the religion of Islam was one word; Read. The Quran stresses the importance of reading, studying, reflecting and investigating. To seek knowledge is a sacred duty; it is obligatory on every Muslim, male and female.

“Read, in the name of your Lord who created” (96:1)


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Step 2: To Love

We plant the seeds of Love for Allah by reflecting on the actions beloved to Him and the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammed through story-telling.

Amongst the things to aspire to when striving for tranquillity of the heart, loving Allah (SWT) above all else is the greatest. When we direct our love and our emotions towards Allah (SWT), everything else follows. Our actions follow because they reflect what is in our heart.

Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) said:

“The heart will not find complete happiness except by loving Allah and by striving towards what is dear to Him.”

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Step 3: To Live

We aim to equip our young people with the necessary guidance and skills, to live a successful life as a Muslim in the 21st century.

The Holy Quran is not merely a collection of rulings or facts but also focuses on building a firm foundation in one’s heart and strengthening and nourishing the faith and spirituality of the reader.

Whatever challenge one is facing in life, there is the certainty that the Quran will provide great comfort and encouragement related to every matter of life. The Holy Quran not only guides the Muslims but it also guides and helps each and every person who refers to it regardless of religion. The divine book of Allah (SWT) is for the whole of humanity.